Fall Safety 101 | Safetouch Security Systems

Fall Safety 101

The fall season brings more than the promise of cooler weather, hot cider, and the anticipation of the holidays. With the arrival of autumn comes the time to do a little maintenance around your home. Once you fall into it, these small chores will let you enjoy the end of the year without worry!

Fall Season Maintenance for Outside the Home

Now is a great time to clean up around the outside of your property. As you do, keep a few safety tips in mind:

  • Clean up fallen leaves, dead growth, and any debris that may have settled around your outdoor HVAC unit. A wetter season can make leaves slippery, and all that debris can get into your HVAC unit.
  • Got leaves? Think twice before burning them as they are a health and fire hazard. The smoke from burning leaves can contain toxic or irritating particles that are no good for anyone to breathe in. If you have no other choice, be sure to wear a protective mask to prevent breathing these in. Do your burning on a still day when the wind can’t carry embers away to start other fires, and keep your leaf burning well away from buildings.
  • If you are putting up holiday lights early during the fall season or trimming branches, take caution when using your ladder. Wear non-slip footwear that stays secure around your feet. In addition, keep your ladder on a flat surface where it can’t slide.
  • Before you trim that tree, look up! Know what you are cutting so you do not accidentally cut a power line.

Fall Season Maintenance for Inside the Home

Once you’ve finished up outside, head on in for some important fall season maintenance indoors. You’re almost done!

  • Make autumn the season that you change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Get into this habit so that your alarms are never running on empty during an emergency. It’s also a great time to check your fire extinguishers for an expiration date. Another great emergency prep idea: get a free pet decal that alerts first responders that you have a furry friend inside.
  • Candles are popular during the winter and fall season. Ensure you burn candles in safe places where pets and children can’t get to them.
  • Using your fireplace? Consider having it inspected if it has been a while since you did so. Keep your fireplace screened, and be certain that your fires are fully extinguished before you leave home or go to bed.
  • If you don’t already have one, consider upgrading to a smart thermostat to save money on bills. Smart thermostats can be programmed to change at certain times of day (for instance, when no one is home), or be adjusted remotely. They can also adjust automatically based on your activity, location, and the weather. You can literally save money without even thinking about it!
  • Longer nights mean more opportunities for wannabe home intruders to hide under the cover of night and potentially break in. Don’t give them the opportunity! Fortify your home with motion sensor lights, HD cameras with 24/7 monitoring, and smart home automation to keep your home and loved ones safe.

Winter is coming, and SafeTouch Security knows how to best prepare your home for the long nights ahead. Contact us today for a quote on a security system that will best fit your fall needs.