Tips | Safetouch Security Systems


As a trusted provider of security solutions in Florida and Georgia, SafeTouch Security is dedicated to keeping you and your loved ones safe, especially during hurricane season. This guide will help you prepare your home and family for the impact of a hurricane, leveraging the advanced features of your SafeTouch Security system. 1. Stay Informed

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Even though it is warmer here in Florida than it is in most of the country right now, it is still a cold world. While the fall and winter months may not seem to be relevant to home security, cooler evenings, earlier sunsets, and vacation travel all present potential criminals with new opportunities to gain

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During the winter months, the weather here in Jacksonville may be chillier than some Floridians would prefer. But in a city that hasn’t had snow in over thirty years, a winterized home is not all that different from a home that has not been winterized. That being said, there are still measures Florida residents can

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One of the most important pieces of safety equipment in your house is your fire alarm. Even though it is relatively easy and inexpensive to practice, fire safety is a commonly neglected household necessity. In fact, 60% of house fire deaths happen in homes without working smoke alarms. Thirty-eight percent of these deaths occur as

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Natural disasters are just that: disasters. So many things can go wrong, therefore it’s best to be prepared. With hurricane season now in full swing, it’s important to know how to prepare for severe weather and storms, and how to best equip your home with the proper security measures when facing Mother Nature.    The

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While fireworks may seem like the only safety concern on the Fourth of July, there are other areas that can be hazardous as well.. While fireworks are a top safety concern for the holiday, here are a few other areas to consider to have fun and stay safe this Fourth of July. Water Safety July

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Burglar entering home to steal wallet.

A burglary can happen quicker than you might imagine. Studies indicate that burglars spend less than one minute breaking into your home. That’s fast! Once inside, they will generally spend less than ten minutes looting your belongings before they are out again. Since they have very little time inside a home, most burglars have an

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  Everyone’s favorite red, white, and blue holiday has arrived, and patriots and summer fun lovers everywhere are getting ready to celebrate! “Safety” is truly the buzzword this Fourth of July. From fireworks to food handling and the need to socially distance, there’s plenty to think about when it comes to holiday safety. Consider these

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