How to Stay Happy & Healthy This Holiday Season | Safetouch Security Systems

How to Stay Happy & Healthy This Holiday Season

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Mom and daughter decorate thThe holiday season is chock-full of cheer from being surrounded by loved ones and celebrating this special time for all. However, nothing puts a damper on the most joyous time of year than being overcome with an illness. This year, make your health something to reflect on and be grateful for, not something to put at risk due to a lack of preventive steps. Here are some tips and tricks for staying happy and healthy this holiday season:


Get a check-up. Scheduling your yearly check-up before the holidays can help prevent unwanted illness during this happy, yet hectic time. Scheduling a simple screening or vaccine can make all the difference between a joyous, stress-free time or a time unfortunately devoted to getting better.


Wash your hands. With an influx of people constantly in and out of stores, restaurants, and other public areas- the risk of germs being spread is extremely high. Make it a point to wash your hands constantly, especially before eating or touching your face. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds to ensure all the germs are taken care of.


Prepare your holiday meals with care. With all the hustle and bustle in the kitchen, make sure you take the proper precautions for handling food. Don’t cross-contaminate raw proteins, and be sure to cook them all the way through. Also, don’t leave perishable food items out for longer than the acceptable time if you are planning to eat them later.


Eat healthy and remain active.  The holidays are filled with temptations to eat poorly and skip routine exercise. However, by making an effort to balance out the sweet holiday treats with healthy options, as well as staying active, you will find yourself more energized and feeling overall better.


Make an effort to not spread your illness if you are already sick. If you’ve already come down with a cold or flu, the best way to make it a happy holiday is to not spread it to anyone else. Always cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow, rather than your hand. Also, make sure the rest of your loved ones have stocked up on Vitamin C to ensure they don’t contract your sickness as well.
SafeTouch cares tremendously about the safety and wellbeing of your family, and that is not just limited to your home’s security. From our family to yours, we wish you a happy, healthy holiday and a peaceful New Year!