Safety | Safetouch Security Systems - Part 9


While Black Friday is a great day to get amazing deals on all the items you want to give your loved ones for the holidays, it can also be a very dangerous day if you are not careful. Black Friday sales tend to bring out the worst in customers who are all looking to log big

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A baby monitor system has been proven to be more of a problem and a security threat than the ideal device it is designed for, i.e. child safety. The corded, plugged-in baby monitor system, which is no longer common has today been replaced by the new wireless model. These wireless models pose certain security and health risks

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Staying safe is a very important task that your life depends on. Without proper safety measures you may risk being harmed in more than one way. Though many people feel like they are safe when they are home alone, this isn’t always true. Even in smaller, more acceptable and family-friendly cities, crime is beginning to

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Keeping yourself and your home safe from burglars has become a big deal in recent decades. Crime lows continue to slowly climb, causing many people to panic and have lots of pen up fear and frustration. Home security companies arrived on the scene quite some time ago, hoping to offer the average person a way to

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No matter how prepared you are for a break-in, intruders are one step ahead of you. Like many professionals, burglars have a multitude of tools at hand while “working.” Most of the items they misuse are common, off-the-shelf tools you use in your own home or business. Take a look at some of the tools

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October brings shorter and cooler days and reminds us that winter is just around the corner. It’s a great time for you and your family to spend more time indoors and that means the chances of fire increases. October is National Fire Prevention Month and we would like to remind you of some simple steps

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It is understandable that sometimes you may not be home with your children at all times. This is generally the case when children come home after school. They may feel brave but you on the other hand may worry. Always talk with your children and place the expectations on them of how to be aware

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The world has changed dramatically over the past several decades. There was a time that you could feel relatively safe in your home, place of business, or in your car. However, times are totally different in the world today. Crimes are no longer something that is viewed on television; these events are sadly a part

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You know how to drive safely and defensively, defending yourself from the crazy drivers that crawl the roads, but staying safe on the roads requires more than knowing what you’re doing when you’re behind the wheel. Defending yourself against car theft, car-jacking, and resisting the temptation to text while driving are all necessary parts of keeping the

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Safety around the holidays is an important task that is often overlooked as the cheer of the season overwhelms us. Your home and belongings are left unsupervised more than ever as you attend holiday events and shop for loved ones. Aside from leaving your home more often, criminals are often more desperate this time of year

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