October may be famous for its costumes and pumpkins, but here in Florida, it’s also peak hurricane season. As temperatures rise all over the world, extreme weather events are becoming even more powerful and destructive. Depending on the specific details surrounding a particular tropical storm or hurricane, you may be advised to evacuate the area
What if you could combine household savings on your utilities with being environmentally friendly? You can – with a smart thermostat.
College is often the first taste of real independence a child experiences. It may also be the first time parents have to deal with the huge life change of having a child leave the safety of the nest, so to speak. In many cases, this change in circumstances can be far more difficult a transition
Owning your own business was always a dream and now that dream is a reality. However, running a retail business is no simple task. There are so many moving pieces associated with owning a store that sometimes, you have to prioritize the different aspects. One important thing that many people tend to skimp on is
The phone rings, you pick it up, and the person on the other end of the line says they’re from a trusted company that you actually do business with. In a lot of cases, you’d have no reason to assume that the person on the other end of the line was trying to scam you
From Jaguars games to the Jazz Festival to countless other artistic, sporting, and educational endeavors, Jacksonville residents are proud of all the wonderful things our town has to offer. But that doesn’t mean the River City is immune to problems. Like any major metropolis, Jacksonville has its share of struggles, chief among them the challenge of
There is some wisdom in aphorisms; one example is particularly relevant today: if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Reports are coming in from around Jacksonville of a man claiming to be a city worker offering to inspect/upgrade home security systems for free.
Besides demonstrating the depths to which a celebrity can sink, Vanilla Ice’s recent burglary attempt is a wake-up call to homeowners who haven’t secured their property. While few will ever have the honor of being burgled by a star of such (former) renown, anyone can be robbed, often by friends, family, and others whom you
With today’s busy lifestyles and work schedules, our society has become a very mobile environment. If you’re like most people, you probably spend a lot of time away from home. Between long days at work, family outings and social activities, home is a welcomed retreat. But, what if you returned home to find your house
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has issued its 2010 Crime Clock to better notify you of Florida’s crime statistics as they currently stand. Here are the Florida crime statistics for 2010: One index crime every 41 seconds One violent crime every 5 minutes and 9 seconds One property crime every 47 seconds One murder